There are more than 72 million baby boomers in the United States. Many of these boomers find themselves in a challenging financial position — they are “house poor.”
House poor means they spend so much on their home that they struggle to afford other essentials, such as daily expenses, healthcare, and leisure activities. The general rule of thumb is that housing costs shouldn’t exceed 30% of one’s income. However, for those who are house poor, these costs are often much higher.
So, why are baby boomers specifically becoming house poor? A recent article on GoBankingRates.com explains some of the key reasons.
1. Resisting Downsizing
Many baby boomers have seen their homes appreciate significantly over the years and have developed a strong emotional attachment to them. In my experience, that along with the daunting task of cleaning out to downsize prevents many from making a move when it might be the best option.
2. Refinancing Instead of Paying Off the Mortgage
Another trend affecting baby boomers is their choice to refinance rather than pay off their mortgages. While refinancing can offer short-term financial relief or extra cash, it often leads to more debt over time and fewer resources to help one enjoy late life.
3. Reluctance to Rent Out Part of Their Home
Renting out a portion of a home can be an excellent way to offset costs. However, many baby boomers are reluctant to consider this option. For those struggling with home-related expenses, it can help make the home more affordable.
4. Dipping Into Savings to Keep the House
Many baby boomers dip into their savings to cover home-related expenses, which can be risky. I advise clients to consult with their financial advisor to determine whether the home is “affordable.” Seniors can also explore a reverse mortgage.
Finding a Solution: Assessing Your Options
To avoid becoming house poor, assess your financial situation and consider all available options. Ultimately, it’s about making sure the home works for retirement—not the other way around.
Consulting with a financial advisor can provide valuable guidance tailored to individual circumstances, ensuring a stable and enjoyable retirement. And, if you’re considering a move, contact us to help you get started.
>>Click here to read the GoBankingRates.com article in its entirety.
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