Business Resources

Utility & Home Security

Lower your monthly utility/telephone/cable bills where available and set up your Home Security System with our Concierge Service. **Click SECURITY or UTILITY to switch and save! **
Abundant Residential LLC, as Independent Consultant
(678) 679-2511

Legal Shield (PPLSI)

Through technology and our provider law firm network, legal access is now simple, easy & affordable for your legal needs. Watch video

Impact Health Sharing

Impact Health Sharing delivers a modern and affordable alternative to health insurance. Members share each other’s bills directly. And, Impact is administered by a not-for-profit organization. This means lower costs for you. Get ready to see how much you can save.

Affordable Senior Solutions

Offering services from homecare service to final expense coverage. Contact Peter James, Senior Advisor for a friendly chat (678) 973-5234

Affordable Senior Solutions

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp

Genie McGee (NMLS# 506550) Retirement Mortgage Specialist (404) 388-1885

Retirement Mortgage Specialist

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp

Syd Howel (NMLS# 668884) Loan Officer – VA/Conv/FHA Loans (404) 296-9030

Fairway Independent Mortgage

Harrison Vintage Designs
Lorraine Harrison
(770) 289-9621

Harrison Vintage Designs

Home Warranty of America
Jennifer Bowen – 13-month Home Warranty Partner (404) 324-2293

Home Warranty of America